TH662-2018 Founders Jewel for Hopeful Royal Arch Chapter No. 2018


TH662-2018 Founders Jewel for Hopeful Royal Arch Chapter No. 2018

This Chapter has an amazing story.

The Chapter was formed in Gorakhpur, Bengal in 1912. However in 1920 however the Chapter was
transferred to Lodge Ajodhya on Sarju No. 836 which meets in Fyzabad, India.

In 1961 Lodge Ajodhya on Sarju with its Royal Arch Chapter was transferred to the Grand Lodge of India when it was formed in 1961.

However before this happened, in 1956, a new Royal Arch Chapter, Chapter C. Nipal, was formed in Gorakhpu, now in India, using the now defunct No. 2018
and in 1964 this new Chapter, now designated No. 2018 (2), was also transferred to the Grand Lodge of India. Quite a story.

Fully London Hallmarked for 1912 silver-gilt and enamel